Observa Invites

50 Years of Brazil-China Diplomatic Relations in Perspective

MARCH 30, 2024

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM BRT

/ 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM CST

This is the first event of the year, and it launches the debates about the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Brazilian diplomatic relations.


Event will be entirely in Portuguese.

To kick off Observa China 观中国's 2024 event season with high-level exchanges, we are honored to welcome a prominent speaker with extensive experience in financial and Asian topics: Ambassador Marcos Caramuru de Paiva. Retired diplomat and member of the Advisory Boards of the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and the Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC), he lived in China for 12 years, having served as Ambassador in Beijing, Consul General in Shanghai, business consultant and manager of an urban development in Hongqiao.

This is an unmissable event and open to all interested people, whether professionals, academics or not, already involved in the world related to China, students and people in general who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Sino-Brazilian relationship.

We will have audience participation with questions and comments after the guest's initial presentation.


Marcos Caramuru de Paiva
Marcos Caramuru de Paiva

Observa Invites

Series of conversations with recognized experts and academics, where they share in-depth knowledge about their experiences on crucial topics related to China.

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