Kelly Alves de Barros

Kelly Alves de Barros

Kelly has extensive experience in projects, processes, and corporate governance, including interactions with C-Level executives, board members, compliance teams, and Brazilian regulatory bodies such as Bacen, Susep, CVM, B3, and others in the financial, insurance, and capital markets sectors. She gained this experience at major banks over 23 years, where she served as a Coordinator and Specialist, focusing on the drafting of corporate documents, policies, standards, and deliberative procedures. Kelly is also well-versed in leading large-scale corporate structuring projects with a focus on corporate governance, managing highly confidential information and addressing diverse interdisciplinary demands. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems, a Graduate Degree in Corporate Governance and Compliance, and professional certifications in corporate governance, project management, and information privacy. As the PMO at IBGC’s Study Tour to China, Kelly coordinates the agenda and content within a Brazilian-Chinese workgroup.

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