Esta é uma versão beta, pode conter bugs e não está completa. | This is a beta version, it may contain bugs and is not complete. | 这是一个测试版,可能包含错误并且不完整。

Alexandre Coelho

Alexandre Coelho 亚历山大

Researcher - FGV/Secretary of Research Committee on Asian Studies - IPSA


Researcher at Center on Global Trade and Investment at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) / Secretary of Research Committee on Asian Studies at the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Currently, I am a Ph.D. student in International Relations at the University of São Paulo (IRI - USP). I also participate in studies involving international law, international political economy, institutions, Chinese domestic politics, Chinese foreign policy, the expansion of the Chinese currency, and the Belt & Road Initiative. Previously, I was in charge of legal and compliance issues at Bank of China-Brazil, Safra Bank, Itaú, and São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3). Alexandre holds a Master's degree in law and economic development from FGV, with specializations in politics and international relations.

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